Thursday, January 17, 2008

Package from Okinawa

Yestersday I received a package from Chika-san. Molly spent about 5 minutes licking the package.hahaha! I told Chika-san about a song that I really liked and she went ahead and sent me the CD!!! She also included some practice workbooks along with some "cute" pencils/erasers/sharpeners and pencil caps.
チカさんから Packageを もらいました!NHKの ばんぐみ 「どんど晴れ」の 唄のCDを おくて くれましたね。そして、日本語の れんしゅう もの も もらいました!チカさん、ありがとう ございました!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

at the Library...としょかん

Today I stopped by the library and found some interesting reading....children's books in Japanese! YAY! They had children's books in many many languages. I have to say I am quite impressed with the library here in Maryland.
今日は としょかんに 行って この 本を 見つけました!としょかんで 日本の 子どもの本が あります! すごい ですよね。30まいが ありました! 今週この 話を 読みます!楽しみに!