A package from Okinawa got delivered yesterday!!!!Chika-san didn't know it, well....at least I don't think she did, but I wanted one of these purses when I lived there. I never did get one before I left and when I took it out of the package yesterday I nearly jumped off my seat! These (purse, change purse and cell phone holder) were all made on a loom like the one I got to make my coaster on last year. I absolutely LOVE this stuff!!! This reminds me of something I forgot to explain when I wrote about making the coasters in Okinawa. It's about the blocks of 4 and 5 on that center area.... one of the words for 4 in Japanese is YOtsu and 5 is ITSUtsu.... the phrase "ITSU no YO" means eternally or forever. Hence the use of symbols "4 * 5". Make sense??? Back in the day, a woman would have this put on her obi (what wraps the kimono) (I think this symbol was just used in Okinawa, but it could be mainland too, not sure (story was told to me by an Okinawan)). The obi was then given to the man on the wedding day. Nowadays it decorates many of the items that are made with the loom in Okinawa. The card from Chika-san and Mattarah-san ended, as do most of their emails.... "itsumademo nakayoshi"....or "we are forever the best of friends"..... a lyric in Hisano-san's song about our friendship. What a perfect gift!
沖縄から つつみを うけとりました! チカさんと マッタラさんから 誕生日のプレゼントを もらいました! かわいい かばん セットを もらいました!! 沖縄に 住んだ時に この かばんの スタイルを 買いたかった!「沖縄のミンサーおり です」 プレゼントを あけたの時 私のママは 「すごい ですよ、借りたい です。。。。」と 言っていました。おもしろかった。。。アハハハ。 じゃああ、OK ママ、時々 かばんを 借りるの事が いい ですよ。。。。アハハハ! チカマタへ 誕生日のギフト ありがとう ございます!!!