Sunday, August 06, 2006

Kijimuna Festival

The Kijimuna Festival is held every year on Okinawa. It's a festival for Okinawan children. Theatre groups from around the world come to perfom plays for the kids. The festival lasts for about a week, with about 80 short plays. Dave and I were able to see three of them, all of which were creative and impressive. On Thursday, Shota-san, Hisano-san, Dave and I met some folks from Sweden. We had a great time showing them around Okinawa City. What I found most interesting about meeting all these people from around the world is that English was the common language. Dave and I were the only people who had English as a first language, however everyone used English to communicate....even if it was their 2nd or 3rd language. Hisano-san even tried her best to speak in English, she did a great job. Our new friends were quite impressed when she performed traditional Okinawan songs at karaoke. This picture is of us with our Swedish friends at an Irish bar in Okinawa City.

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