Monday, March 09, 2009


My first pair of Salsa shoes arrived a few days ago....Now that I have the shoes.....there's no "turning" back.
サルサのくつを 買いました!来月 沖縄に 帰って この くつを 持って来ます。サルサのダンスを ならうの事を つづくつもり です。おどりましょう!!!


Anonymous said...

Nice shoes! Now all you need is a backup pair of shoes and a bag of emergency salsa clothes.

エミリ said...

I'm working on it :)

Carolie said...

CUTE shoes!!!

Salsa Shoes said...

In addition, most of the stress in the body is concentrated on the feet while you are dancing so it will not only be uncomfortable, it will also be painful for a dancer not to have the right dance shoes.