Thursday, June 01, 2006

Perfect Timing

Rainy weather----broken dryer.... Lots of wet clothes!!!

Today my dryer decided it no longer wanted to work. Well, it could also be the fact that I can only read half of the buttons on it, so maybe I'm doing something wrong????? The rainy season in Okinawa started last week and it doesn't look like we're going to have a dry day for a while (maybe 2 weeks or so). So... since I couldn't hang my laundry out on the line today, I hung it around the house! Glad no one came over! I plan to get someone to look at it next week. Hopefully it's just something wrong with me, not the dryer. haha

1 comment:

Carolie said...

Yours looks fancier than mine...but mine works! Sorry yours is broken. Hopefully, your housing office is as quick at sending out repair people as mine is...24 hours after my washer broke, I had a new one!

yer cuz