Thursday, February 26, 2009

Dance Lessons

Last month I began taking dance lessons again. This time, however I decided to try something different....Ballroom Dancing and Salsa! I wasn't sure if I was going to like dancing with a partner but as it "turns out", when you dance with someone who can lead, dancing with a partner is actually more fun than dancing by yourself! I think I'm hooked for life!
先月に ダンスのクラスを はじまりました!しゃこうダンスと サルサダンス です! 先月まで 一人で おどりました。 上手な男の人と おどるの時に 楽しくて うれしくなりますね。私の生活で 今から おどりたいです。サルサ = 幸せ。。。。。。(^0^)


Anonymous said...

Ahh.. Yes! Dancing is great! Its especially fun when the woman can follow. P.S. - I'm calling you out on the pic. That's a picture of a West Coast Swing class :-P

エミリ said...

I've added a Salsa picture just for you, Arren. lol

Anonymous said...

Lovely picture, but the bottom picture is still West Coast Swing! Where's the Ballroom pic Emily B.?

エミリ said...

Working on it (^_-)