Saturday, December 16, 2006

Getting ready to leave....with Molly :)

Here is Dave with Molly. They were practicing for Molly's 4 day adventure to the USA. Molly traveled by kennel and duffle-bag. The kennel was too big for the buses and trains on mainland Japan so we had to get this lovely travel bag for her.

Mou sugu hiragana de kakemasu. gomen ne. David-san wa Molly to renshushite imasu. kuukou kara Kobe made Molly no ie mottekoraremasendeshita, dakara fukuro wo kaimashita. Kobe ni basu de Molly wo tsureteikimashita. Molly wa fukuro ga suki janakatta. hahahaha... kawaii so...

Friday, December 15, 2006

Hisano LIVE-MOD's

Last night was Hisano-san's show at Mod's. She had Ryo-san(B-trippers guitarist) and Mattara-san (B-Trippers keyboardist) play for her. Here we are after the show.
昨日 久乃さんの ライブ でした!!!  MODSで リョウさんと マッタラさんと 久乃さんは すごい ライブを しました。ライブの あと この しゃしんを とりました。私たちは かわいい です。

A few weeks ago, Hisano-san asked me to sing "Nada Sou Sou" at her show. At first I thought she was joking, but it turns out that she was truly sincere. Me? Are you sure? For some strange reason I agreed to it, and so here I am up in front of a room full of people I don't know, singing a Japanese song. Okinawa has definitely done something to me, because, as most of you know... before coming here... this NEVER would have happened! As nervous as I was during the entire show (because of course she didn't bring me up until the encore), I am glad I did it.

せんじつ、久乃さんは つぎな ライブで なだそうそう 歌って 下さい と 言いました。私は この しつもんが じょだん だ と 思いました。私?どうして? 久乃さんは 英語で 沖縄の おもいで だ と 言いました。沖縄に 来る まえに とても シャイ でした。シャイ だった ので 歌うの ことが できませんでした。だけど、沖縄で 安心して います。きんちょう しました、けれでも とても 楽しかった。

Here we are with Ryo-san, Mattara-san, and Chika-san at a nearby izakaya for a little afterparty.

みんなさんは ライブの あと いざかやに 行きました。

Merry X-MOS

This is our tray at the fast food chain in Japan, Mos Burger. They are doing their Christmas campain right now (Merry X-Mos), I thought it was fitting that Dave and I ordered green drinks. Notice the Mickey Mouse shaped dishes of ketchup for our french fries.
デイビットさんと Mos-Burgerに 行きました。 クリスマスの いろ です! Merry X-Mosね。

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Devil Wears Prada

I went to my last movie in Okinawa today. I saw "The Devil wears Prada" with Hisano-san. It wasn't the greatest of movies, but I still had a good time. Seeing so much of New York in the movie has made me want to go visit again after Dave and I return to New Jersey.
沖縄で 久乃さんと さいごな えいがを 見に 行きました。えいがの 話し まま でした だけど、New Yorkを 見る ことが いい かんじ でした。しばらく そこに 行って いません。またNew Jerseyに かえる あとに New Yorkに 行きたい。

Saturday, December 09, 2006

First "Goodbye"

I will have lots of "Goodbyes" to say before I leave, but last night was the first one I had to do. Saki-san is going back to Tokyo, so I won't see her again. I must say, it was not easy. I really don't want to leave Okinawa. I've met some really wonderful people here and the day I leave this island is going to be very difficult. I think my heart will always be in Okinawa.
さようならの はじめて でした。サキさんは 東京に 帰ります。たいへん でした。New Jerseyに 行きたくない。 沖縄で たくさん すばらしい人 会いました。いつまでも 沖縄で 私の こころは います。

Selling the Car

Dave and I are in the process of selling our car. Today I took it for a bath at the local gas station. This is the first bath it's had since Dave bought it almost 3 years ago. wow!!!! Only two weeks left before EVERYTHING has to be done!! So much to do!! AHHHHH!
今日 私の車は シャワーしました。もうすぐ 車を うるつもり。

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Shopping Incident

After much time spent at home, because of all the meds I was taking after my surgery, I finally got to go out shopping! Today I went to the Navel Kadena Shopping Center. I stopped to look through the cds at the music shop because I thought about buying the Nada Sou Sou cd. As I was looking at the single, I couldn't tell what something looked like through the plastic security case that covered part of the cd, so I turned the case over to see to see if the cd would fall out, and it did! At that moment the alarm in the store starting going off!!!! OMG.... I was so embarassed! I appologized to the woman and bought the cd right away because I was so embarassed. At least now I can practice my second Japanese song "Nada Sou Sou".
今日は Navel Kadenaに かいものするに 行きました。たくさんcdを 見て りみ 夏川の シングル 「なだそうそう」を 見つけました。このcdを 買いたいと 思って います。ケースから cdを よんで みるに とりだしました。すると、あの みせの けいほうきが なりはじめました! びっくりしました!  はずかしかった! 私の かおが 赤くなりました。 私は 「すみません,すみません、すみません」言いました。 このcdを はやく かって 帰る。