Tuesday, November 27, 2007


お兄さんと キートンくん

My brother became a Daddy today!!!! YAY!!! Weighing in at 6lbs 3oz is KEATON COBY ROGERS! Welcome to the world, baby Keaton! Love, Aunt Emily

今日は おばさんに なりました! お兄さんも パパに なりました! 彼の名前は「キートン」です! ちさい な 赤ちゃんですけど 元気です。

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Preparations/Thanksgivingの日の前

Apple pie preparations

Banana bread preparations

Banana Bread

Apple pie
Tonight I am preparing the desserts I am bringing to Thanksgiving dinner. This year Dave and I will go to my mom’s house then to Dave’s aunt’s house for Thanksgiving dinner!

今日は Thanksgivingの日の前、だから。。。デザットを 作るの日です! 今年の Thanksgivingの日に ママの家に と ディビッドさんの おばさんの家に ばんごはんを 食べに 行きます! 今年は 二つ な デザットを 作るだけね。明日に ママの家に りょうりのが てつだいますね。楽しみ!

Friday, November 16, 2007

JEWEL BOX release!!!

Hisano Touma:Jewel Box
これは 私の おすすめ です。「とくに 曲#7」
ぜんぶ すごい ですよ!聞いてね!

My friend Hisano recorded her first album this year. It was released Nov. 2nd!!
I have been dying to hear it, since I haven’t been there to hear all her new songs at the live performances. You can imagine my excitement when it arrived in the mail yesterday. Now double that excitement level and you will be able to imagine me as I realized she wrote a song about us! The song is great, it talks about how we didn’t have a lot of time together, but that the connection that was made was strong. She says that she knows that we will forever be the best of friends, even though I moved so far away. The memories will never be forgotten and that she will always be wishing for happiness for me and all the people I love. There’s more, but that is the jist of it. Awesome, huh? She even had the song’s lyrics written mostly in hiragana so that I’d be able to read them. Included are the few kanji that she knows I know. So COOL!!!! She also put ‘Emily and David’ under the special thanks section. I can’t believe there’s actually a song that goes with my experience in Okinawa! I truly miss her and every other friend I met in Okinawa. I hope I get to see them all again soon! Hisano-san, Arigatou Gozaimasu!

昨日JEWEL BOXを つきました!!!11月2日から 久乃さんの あたらしい アルバムを 早く聞きたかった! 聞くのを 待ちにくい でした。久乃さんの 歌を聞くの事を かんがえてわくわくした!!!! 毎歌が 大好きですよ! うれしくなっています!『なかよし』の歌ために なきましたね。ほんとに 心の 歌ですね。久乃さんへ この うた ありがとうございます!そして、おめでとうございます! よくできましたね!!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Crazy for You

This past weekend I went to my cousin Tara’s play up in PA. She had the lead role as Polly. It was an absolutely perfect role for her. She did an awesome job and I can’t wait to go see the next play! We are so cute, don't you think??!!
いとこの しばいを見に 行きました!タラちゃんは すごかった! しゅやくをいんじました!上手な じょゆう ですよ。 

Saturday, November 03, 2007

National Parks

Happy to be hiking!
AFTER the first hike. 
ハイキングのあと これを 読みました。
During the 2nd hike.
Yellowstone National Park
Grand Teton National Park
After spending the weekend in Boise for Kate’s wedding, Dave and I took a 6 hour drive east to see Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Teton National Park. From the moment we entered the park we saw tons of animals. We did about 15 miles worth of hiking over the few days we were there. In the first 5 minutes of the first hike we saw a coyote! The steaming geysers were so neat looking at sunset. We were even able to see Old Faithful erupt just as the sun was going down one evening. The scenery was amazing as the leaves on the aspens were changing to a bright yellow and snow was covering the peaks of the Grand Tetons. We were able to see lots of different animals on our trip to include:
elk, bald eagle, bison, chipmunk, red squirrel, coyote, mule deer, deer, grizzly bear & her cubs, moose(male,female and baby), and pronghorns.

けっこんしきの あと アメリカの 有名な こうえんに 車で 行きました。ハイキングをしまして たくさん やせいどうぶつを 見えました!こわかった! そして、活火山の ところに 行きました。蒸気を出しました!すごい ところ でした!!こうえんの ふうけいが きれい だったね!信じられない! 

Kate's Wedding

私のいとこ「ケィトさん」と マット けっこんしました! おめでとうございます!
二人は 私のいとこ です。右から、マーデン、ウィル。そして 私の おじさん「キングさん」と おばさん「クーリスさん」ね。
おばさんと しゃしんを とりました。サセボに すむの いとこの ママです。 
三人は 私の おばさんです。三人は お父さんの おねえさんです。
次な 日に ケィトさんと しゃしんを とりました! にてる でしょう?
A few weeks ago Dave and I took a trip to Idaho to attend my cousin Kate’s wedding in Boise. It was great to hang out with my cousins, aunts and uncles. Because we all live so far apart, it’s rare that we get the chance to see each other. I can’t wait for the next family get-together!
3週の前に Davidと Idahoに いとこ「ケィトさん」の けっこんしきを 見に 行きました。 いとこと おばさんと おじさんと 会えました! あまり この かぞくを 会えませんね。 みんなさんは 私のちかくに すみません。パパの かぞくはMaryland, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Minnesota, North Carolina, New York City, Pennsylvania, Idahoに すんでいますね。遠いですね。けっこんしきは とても 楽しかった! かぞくと 飲みすぎましたね。毎日 ふつかよいね。