Keaton came over on Christmas Day to open presents and chow down on some good Christmas grub. His (and my brother's) favorite gift was from my Mom, his was his first baseball toy! Here is Grandmom teaching Keaton how to hit the baseball. クリスマスの日でした! キートンくんは おばあさんの家に 来ました。 私のママから キートンは やきゅうの ゲームを もらいました! はじめてね。お兄さんと 私のママは やきゅうが 大好きですから びっくりしていませんでした。キートンは 新しい おもちゃが 大好きですよ!お兄さんは 「キートンは 先月から あるくのことを できるので 今月から やきゅうをれんしゅうしますね」と 言っていました。おもしろかった!
GO EAGLES! I went to my first Eagles game last week. There was definitely a lot of excitement there, you would have thought it was the superbowl and not just an easy game against the Browns. The weather was great and the fans were behaving themselves, imagine that?!!!!?!!!What an experience!
While out on a back country road in Pennsylvania I came across this mailbox. I thought it was pretty funny。 Since my nickname has been "emilymanatee", I stopped and grabbed a quick pic.
Me in my favorite player's jersey. ママと フィリーズの パレードに 行きました!すごい 車を 見ました!
Another unique find-had to get a pic! パレードに お兄さんの家族と 会いました。 We met my brother and his family at Citizen's Bank Park for the Parade. わかい フィリーズのやきゅうファン です! He may be young, but he sure loves those Phillies!
ジミー ロリンズ です!
Jimmy Rollins
So Taguchi
ブラッド リッジ
Brad Lidge
シェーン ビクトリノ です! 「フィリーズの センター」
and... last but not least... my boy, Phillies Center-Fielder- #8 Shane Victorino
Yipppeeee! The Phillies beat the LA Dodgers last night and became the National League Champs! Thanks Phillies for giving us something to cheer about in Philly!
I love cute Japanese clothes, especially kid's clothes! Here is Giavanna wearing Anpanman- a VERY popular kid's cartoon figure in Japan. She looks so cute! I'm sure she'll be the only kid on the block with that shirt!
This past weekend was the Make-a-Wish walk. A group from my Dad's company got together to raise money for the Make-a-Wish foundation. We raised over $1300 and even showed up in the rain to do the walk :) Great Job, Team BRE!
About a month ago I went to Yakitori Boy in Philly's Chinatown to sing karaoke with my friend Hidemi and her boyfriend Taka. We switched things up a bit and Taka did a bunch of English songs while I sang the few Japanese songs that I have memorized. While glancing through the Japanese songs, I found my friend Hisano-san's song! I won't even attempt to try to sing it though! It's way too difficult and way too fast! I have to admit however, that it was pretty cool seeing her name in a karaoke book here in Philly.
Here is my friend Hidemi (Demi). We became language conversation partners a couple of months ago. We knew it would work out the first time we met because we both pulled out the same notebook to begin studying (I bought mine in Okinawa 2 years ago and her's is from Japan too). Today I took her to the boardwalk for the first time. Other than having to deal with the insane seagulls attacking us, I think she had a good time. No trip to the boardwalk is complete with out some saltwater taffy. I wonder if she likes them???? しょうかい します。。。ヒデミさん です!!! 2ヶ月前 ともだちに なりました! 英語と 日本語を べんきょうする 友だち です! 会うのことの はじめてに 二人は 同じの ノートを 持って来ましたね。やっぱり、ともだちに なりましたね。今日 二人は New Jerseyの 有名な かいがんの町に 行きました。Boardwalkで New Jerseyの 有名な おかしを 買いました。Saltwater Taffyは この ところの #1 おみやげ です。今日は 楽しかった!
Well, on the final day of my Okinawa adventure I got sick! I had started not feeling well that Tuesday night, however it wasn’t until Saturday that my cold really caught up with me. I spent ALL of Saturday in bed. I had a 37.8 fever (at the time I had no idea what that meant, it was only after I got back home that I found out it was 100.03) and my ears were really clogged up. Even though I wanted to believe that this was some sort of sign that I should stay in Okinawa, I did board the plane Sunday for my return flight back to the US. All of my friends and “family” in Okinawa came to see me off at the airport once again. Here I am with everyone at the airport. 日曜日は アメリカに帰るの日 でしたけど、土曜日に わるい かぜを ひきました! ねつが あって 一日じゅ ねました。37.8 でした。でも、あの 時に 37.8が 分かりませんでした。アメリカで 37.8=100.03.。。。帰るの後 分かりました。 そして、耳の いたいが ありました。とぶに ついて きんちょうして 居ました。あの日に 『アメリカに帰るかな。。。。』と 思っていました。ざんねんながら、日曜日に ひっこうきを のりましたね。みんなさんは くうこうに BYEBYEを 言いに 来ました。私の沖縄の家族が 大好きですよ。三週間は 楽しかった。心から ありがとうございました!
Two nights before leaving, I went out to dinner with Hisano-san and her parents. We had a nice dinner at Tonkatsu Taro. After dinner Hisano-san and I met Erika-san in Naha for a fun night of singing at the karaoke box and relaxing at a local jazz club. Erika-san surprised me with an awesome Okinawan gift. She gave me a bingata noren (kind of doorway curtain). It is a gorgeous green with goya (Okinawan bitter melon) and shisa (lion-dog) on it. It was made with the fibers from the sugar cane grown on island. Totally cool, don’t you think? I finally got the chance to sing the new Japanese song I had been practicing. I also got to hear Erika-san sing for the first time….WOW! She has a great voice! She’s so shy most of the time, so I was not expecting to hear such a powerful voice. Next was a special treat….we headed to the jazz club of the first Okinawan jazz singer. It was a perfect Okinawan night with two great friends! 帰るの日の 一昨日に 久乃さんと 両親と とかつ たろ (TT)に 行きました。その後 カラオケの夜 だったね。久乃さんと エリカさんと カラオケBOXに 遊びに 行きました。 エリカさんから きれいな のれん「びんがた」を もらいました。この のれんは みどりと きいろい で ごや と しさ が あります。そして、沖縄の さとう の しょくぶつで 作りました。分かる?すごい 沖縄の おみやぎ ですよ! ありがとうございます、エリカさん!!! エリカさんが 歌うのは はじめて 聞きました! ほんとうに いい こえが あります! WOW! エリカさんは しずか な 人ですから つよい な こえを 聞くのことが びっくりしていました。私は 歌うのが 上手じゃない ですけど カラオケは 楽しくて と 思います。 NHKの ばんぐみ 「どんど晴れ」の 唄を 歌いました!小田 和正の 唄です。カラオケの後 Jazz ライブに 行きました!楽しいな日でした!